
The goal of the treatment is to reduce your compulsions and for you to gain an understanding of what thoughts and behaviors OCD is causing. Not understand why, for example, you feel dirty and therefore have to wash yourself over and over again, can of course make you feel ashamed, abnormal and weird. Knowing how OCD works makes it easier for you to understand your compulsions. Hopefully, it reduces the negative feelings you have about yourself.

In practice, it is possible together with the therapist to list different situations that are difficult to cope with and then voluntarily expose the child to these situations. Usually this begins with an easier situation and progresses to gradually more difficult situations.


If you have obsessive-compulsive disorder that despite psychological treatment causes a lot of suffering and takes up a large part of the day, the benefits of a medication can be significant. Sometimes the medication can make all compulsions and obsessions disappear, but usually the symptoms are only reduced. This makes it easier to practice so that the compulsions/obsessions that remain are easier to deal with or cease.

You should ensure that medication is taken once a day, and if you forget, the effects are reduced. It is therefore good if you can develop a working routine together with your parents/caregivers to remember the medication.

It usually takes about a month before the medication starts doing good and then you need to continue for a long time.